All our slings are safe as long as you have at least 1 foot of tail while your little one is snuggled in.

  • The standard length is approximately 75” the long is 85" and extra long is 95”.
  • Have a look through our sizing chart to see what length may be suitable for you.
  • These recommendations are based on our customers feedback and input.
  • To be sure about the length, you can take a soft tape measure and run it along the path of the sling then drape the remaining sections to see where the tail of the ring sling would end on you.
  • You can also have a look at our Instagram Highlights showing our customer wearing various lengths of slings. 
find your dream sling now


So you're a wrapper, eh? We're pleased to be of service. Welcome to the wrapping club.

  • In the table, you'll see wrap sizes based on clothing sizes.
  • Have a look through our sizing chart to see what size may be suitable for you.
  • These recommendations are based on our customers feedback and input.

Looking forward to being wrappers together.



We all deserve a good looking, linen apron. We have a wide range of sizes to fit all the bodies.

  • Not only do our products look great, but we also prioritize inclusivity by offering sizes that cater to all body types.
  • We believe that everyone deserves to feel stylish and comfortable while they work.
  • In the table, you'll see wrap sizes based on clothing sizes.
  • Have a look through our sizing chart to see what size may be suitable for you.
  • If you don't find a size that works, email us and we can talk about custom sizing.